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are genetically identical

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Q: When a plant reproduces vegetatively its offspring are?
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What is the offspring of plants that all have the same traits of parents?

A pure-bred plant that is homozygous for the traits being transfered.Alternatively a plant that is produced asexually/ vegetatively through cloning

What is the different between how the tomato plant reproduces and how the mushroom reproduces?

A tomato plant reproduces by seeds, whereas, themushroom reproduces by the spores in its cap.

Organism A reproduces by budding Organism B reproduces through fission Each Organism reproduces an offspring in 12 hours After 36 hours which organism will have more offspring?

if both organisms repoduce an offspring every 12 hours then they would have the same number of offspring neither would be greater.

When a fern reproduces with spores the offspring does what?


If an organism reproduces asexually, it’s offspring will be?


What plant is flowering plant?

it is a plant that reproduces

Why do plants propagated vegetatively show no variations?

Vegetatively propagated plants are exact clones of each other and share the same DNA, while plants reproducing sexually produce offspring not sharing the same DNA, therefore they will show variations.

How are trees that produce seedless are grown?

Any plant that is not a true species should be propagated vegetatively.

What part of potato is getting used in vegetative reproduction?

Sweet potatoes are flowering plants, so they reproduce sexually by producing seed. They also reproduce vegetatively from the tubers (which we eat). When we grow them as a crop we plant stem cuttings called slips. This is also vegetative reproduction but it's us doing it not the plant.

How is it that each species reproduces its own kinds?

It is genetically encoded and that is passed on to the offspring.

A vascular plant that reproduces with spores is a fern?

name a vascular plant that reproduces by spores.

You are ecologist studying a newly discovered animal. You find that it reproduces quickly and has many offspring each time it reproduces. What type of organism is?
