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Q: When activated the breathing control centers increase the rate of nerve impulses to the via the?
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What factors are most important in triggering the changes in breathing rate?

Chemicals - most important are the concentrations of CO2, hydrogen ions and O2 in the blood. Chemoreceptors are located in the respiratory center, the carotid bodies and the aortic bodies which detect the levels. Inflation Reflex- stretch receptors in the visceral pleurae are sensitive to the degree of stretching by the lungs. Higher Brain Centers - Impulses from higher brain centers may affect respiratory center. Body Temperature - an increase in body temp, increases the breathing rate.

Where are the respiratory centers housed which control involuntary breathing rates?

The respiratory centers which control involuntary breathing rates are in the medulla and pons.

What happens when carbon dioxide increases in the blood?

If the level of carbon dioxide increases, the repiratory centers are signaled to increase the rate and depth of breathing. This will result in the return of normal CO2 (carbon dioxide) and slows the breathing rate.

When the level in carbon dioxide in the blood increases the?

If the level of carbon dioxide increases, the repiratory centers are signaled to increase the rate and depth of breathing. This will result in the return of normal CO2 (carbon dioxide) and slows the breathing rate.

What are the vital centers that regulate breathing and the heartbeat?

medulla oblongata

What modifies the medulla centers?

The pontine respiratory centers influence and modify the activity of the medullary neurons. The pontine respiratory group, formerly called the pneumotaxic center qand other centers transmit impulses to the vrg of the medulla. this input modifies and fine tunes the breathing rhythms generated by the vrg durng certain activities such as vocalizationm sleep,and exercise. as you would expect from these functins, the pontine respratory centers, like the drg, receive input from higher brain centers and from various sensory receptors in the periphery.

Should emergency operations centers always be activated regardless of the size and nature of the event?


Where are the breathing control centers which detect increased arterial carbon dioxide?

Increased arterial carbon dioxide will be detected by the breathing control centers which are situated in the medulla. The medulla is the most important part of the brain.

Will difficulty in breathing reflect damage to respiratory centers located in the cerebellum?

No, difficulty in breathing is not typically associated with damage to the respiratory centers located in the cerebellum. The cerebellum is primarily involved in coordinating motor movements and balance, not respiration. Damage to the respiratory centers located in the brainstem, particularly in the medulla oblongata, is more likely to affect breathing function.

What is regulates the tempo of breathing?

The tempo of breathing is primarily regulated by the respiratory centers in the brainstem, specifically the medulla oblongata. These centers send signals to the muscles involved in breathing, such as the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, to control the rate and depth of breaths. Additionally, factors such as oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood, as well as input from sensory receptors, can influence the tempo of breathing.

Will difficulty breathing reflect damage to the respiratory centers located in the cerebellum?


Difficulty in breathing may reflect damage to respiratory centers located in the cerebellum?
