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Q: When blood glucose levels decrease between meals what reserves are tapped?
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Increases in the hormone insulin lead to?

decrease of blood glucose levels

How does the hormone regulates blood glucose levels?

The hormone that regulates blood glucose levels is insulin plus a second hormone, glucagon. Insulin lowers blood glucose levels and glucagon increases blood glucose levels. Insulin actually carries the glucose molecule across the cell membrane. That is how it actually lowers the glucose molecules in the blood. Glucagon causes the liver, which stores glycogen, to convert it to glucose which is released in the blood. These two hormones form a feedback mechanism which keeps glucose stable.

What is the Primary source of glucose used to replenish fallen blood glucose levels?

Carbohydrates are for "quick energy". If you have low glucose levels, your liver is going to detect this and your body will start to use up the glycogen reserves. Lipids contain more than twice the energy per gram than carbs, but they are referred to as "long term storage" and cannot be utilized right away.

Diabetes effects which endocrine gland?

HYPERGLYCEMIA;is the condition in which increased levels of blood glucose are found.this generally occurs during diabetic condition caused due to deficiency of insulin bec of various reasons.generally in presence of insulin it causes decrease in blood levels of glucose.due to its absence, cells get glucose deficiency although they are surrounded by glucose bec insulin acts as a key to cell for its a result increase in blood glucose levels order to prevent hyperglycemia insulin supplements are to be taken.this condition also occurs due to excess secretion of glycogen.this increase glucose levels of blood.

What hormone is involved in blood glucose regulation?

There are two hormones that regulate blood glucose levels. One is insulin. This horemone "carries" glucose into the cell. No glucose and the cell starves and the glucose levels get higher in the blood. The second hormone takes glucose out of liver storage and increases the glucose in the blood. These two are a feedback mechanism that keeps the levels in a normal range.

Related questions

When blood glucose levels decrease what reserves are tapped?

When blood glucose levels drop, it is vital for the body to help stabilize them prevent fainting. The body will take fat reserves and convert them to glucose to do this.

Increases in the hormone insulin lead to?

decrease of blood glucose levels

Will infection cause blood glucose levels to increase or decrease?

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What triggers the release of glucagon?

A decrease in blood sugar levels would trigger the secretion of glucagon. The glucagon would raise the blood sugar levels through release of glucose from the glycogen stored in the liver.

Why do we feel hungry or hungrier after exercise?

During exercise the body depletes its glucose reserves and blood sugar levels fall.

What effect would elevated cortisol levels have on blood glucose levels?

One function of cortisol is to decrease the cellular use of glucose while increasing both the available glucose (by promoting the brakedown of glycogen) and the conversion of amino acids to carbohydrates. Therefore, the net result of elevated cortisol levels would be an elevation of blood glucose.

What organ releases glucose to help maintain normal blood glucose levels in between meals?


How does the hormone regulates blood glucose levels?

The hormone that regulates blood glucose levels is insulin plus a second hormone, glucagon. Insulin lowers blood glucose levels and glucagon increases blood glucose levels. Insulin actually carries the glucose molecule across the cell membrane. That is how it actually lowers the glucose molecules in the blood. Glucagon causes the liver, which stores glycogen, to convert it to glucose which is released in the blood. These two hormones form a feedback mechanism which keeps glucose stable.

Why the concentration of glucose in the blood rises after a meal?

After a meal, glucose levels rise. This causes the pancreas to excrete insulin. Insulin causes cells in the liver, fat, and muscle tissue to take up glucose and store it as glycogen. This makes the blood glucose levels decrease again to a normal rate.

Why is insulin associated with the maintenance of blood glucose levels?

The pancreas releases insulin to lower the level of glucose in blood, and on the other hand, for the balance, it also secretes glucagon to elevate the level of glucose. Insulin is one half of the balance mechanism for glucose levels. Too much and too little glucose has damaging effects on the body and it's cells.

What hormone reduces blood glucose levels and what hormone raises blood glucose levels?

Glucagon is the hormone that raises blood glucose levels.

Blood sugar levels are lowered by?

It is lowered by insulin, which is produced in the beta cells of the pancreas in an area called the Islet of Langerhans. Blood glucose is also suppressed by somatostatin which is produced in the delta cells of the pancreas.