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It's from static electricity. Either you have been walking on a type of carpet that produces static when you walk on it (as in when you touch something or someone you get zapped) or you have clothes on that are the same way. Usually nylon does it. Also when it is really dry and or cold it will do the same thing. Rub a balloon on your head and see what happens to your hair. Have fun!

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What you are seeing is static electricity. The hair stands are repelling each other.

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Q: When combing your hair after you dried it through why does your hair stand up?
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Why do our hairs stand up when you are frightened?

Your hair has picked up extra electrons. This causes your hair to repel against each other(Like charges repel remember!). Because you hair is so tightly packed, the furthest any hair can get from another hair is to stand straight up.

Do goose bumps make your hair grow?

it does not because goosebumps is just a nerve reaction it probably just makes you hair stand up . ^-^

Can you make the hairs on your arm stand on end?

Standing hair is caused by the tiny muscle that connects the hair to the follicle. This muscle is called the arrector pili.

What function do goosebumps play in your integument?

Goose pumps are muscle contractions in the hair follicle that thake the hair stand up and inerweave on the skin. Provides insulation when you are chilled

What is hair made of?

A: The best way to answer this question is to reverse the two parts. First, your hair grows from follicles within the skin. The part of the hair inside the follicle (below the skin's surface) is known as the hair root, while the portion you see protruding from the head is the hair shaft. At the base of the hair root is the hair bulb where nutrients are received and new cells are formed.Also within the hair follicle are the dermal papilla (a cone shaped protrustion at the base of the follicle which feeds blood - and therefore nutrients - to the hair bulb), the sebaceous gland (or oil gland) which lubricates and keeps the hair healthy and shiny, as well as the arrector pili, a tiny muscle anchored to the follicle. The arrector pili respond to stimulus (fear or cold) causing them to contract and make the hair stand up straight.Taking nutrients from the dermal papilla, the hair bulb generates new hair cells. As these cells move up through the hair root, they mature through a process called keratinization, fill with fibrous protein and lose their nucleus. When the cell loses its nucleus it is no longer alive. By the time the hair emerges from the skin it is merely fiber made of keratinized proteins.

Related questions

What causes hair to come out while combing hair?

it could be that your hair is unstable or damaged or you just have naturally loose hair Not a great answer. You should use a quality comb and be gentle combing through. A good conditioner should be used for ease of combing. Hair loss also is normal, if it seems to be too much you might want to see a doctor and see what he suggests.

Will combing your hair make it grow fast?

no excessive combing will break your hair making it harder to grow

How do you get nappy?

Your hair can get very nappy for a couple of reasons. If you don't comb it enough or if you don't comb it after it has been wet and dried. Try spraying your hair with water before combing to help the comb go through easier.

Is combing your hair a chemical change?


What is a summary of combing poem?

The poem entitled Combing is written by Gladys Cardiff. Its summary is all about a mother combing her daughter's hair.

What are hair brushes types?

combing back combing brushing washing stroking like and many more

What is a sentence with the word combing?

The kids enjoy combing the beach for seashells each summer. She's in the bathroom combing her hair and brushing her teeth. Dad spent hours combing the closet for his red tie. Police are combing the area hoping to find the missing child. Before he even had his diploma, he was combing the want ads for a job in his field.

How does doing hair relate to physics?

Combing your hair can create static electricity.

How do you make your hair puffy?

By back combing it or teasing it. And lots of hair spray! :)

Your hair is strait how do you get it frizzy?

you tried back combing it??

Does constantly combing your hair make it grow faster?


What does it mean when your already passaway grandmother was combing my hair in my dream?

When your passed away grandmother was combing hair in your dream, it only means that you are being prepared for a bigger role.