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equilibrium means the rate of forward reaction = rate of backward reaction...

there are three types of equilibrium

1. amount of products > amount of reactants

2. amount of products = amount of reactants

3. amount of products < amount of reactants

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1mo ago

A chemical reaction reaches equilibrium when the forward and reverse reactions occur at the same rate, meaning the concentrations of reactants and products remain constant over time. At equilibrium, the ratio of concentrations of products to reactants, known as the equilibrium constant, remains constant.

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11y ago

A chemical reaction reaches equilibrium when the rate of forward reaction becomes equal to the rate of backward reaction.

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Q: When does a chemical reaction reaches equilibrium?
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What best describes chemical equilibrium a reactions have stopped b reactions continue with no effect on the concentration of reactant and products c reactions stop only when a?

B. Reactions continue with no effect on the concentration of reactant and products. Chemical equilibrium occurs when the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction, leading to a constant concentration of reactants and products.

What information does the rate constant give the rate law?

It tells how much the reaction rate is affected by concentrations.

Why is chemical disequilibrium essential for life?

Chemical disequilibrium allows for the free energy required for various cellular processes, such as metabolism and energy production. It enables cells to maintain a dynamic state by facilitating the exchange of materials across cell membranes and driving biochemical reactions necessary for cellular function. Without chemical disequilibrium, essential processes like ATP production and signaling cascades would not be possible.

What effect does the removal of heat have on the equilibrium position?

If heat is removed from a system at equilibrium, the system will shift in the direction of the endothermic reaction to counteract the decrease in temperature. This will result in the equilibrium position shifting towards the side of the reaction that absorbs heat.

If a reaction system at equilibrium contains mostly product then?

the reaction is likely to be product-favored, meaning the equilibrium constant (Kc) is greater than 1. This suggests that the forward reaction is favored under the given conditions. The system will resist changes that disrupt the equilibrium and will tend to shift back towards the reactants if conditions change.

Related questions

When a chemical reaction and it and reverse are occurring at the same time and at the same rate the reaction has achieved?


When a chemical reaction and it's reverse occur at the same time and rate the reaction is said to be?

When the reaction reaches a point where reactants produced is equal to products produced the reaction is said to be in equilibrium. If that is what you afre talking about

What is difference between physical and chemical balance?

The difference is that chemical equilibrium is the equilibrium of products and reactants in a reaction while physical equilibrium is the equilibrium of the physical states of the same substance.

What is equilibrium-limited reactions?

Equilibrium-limited reactions refer to chemical reactions that are limited by the establishment of an equilibrium between reactants and products. This means that the reaction may not proceed to completion because the system reaches a dynamic equilibrium where the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction.

Chemical equilibrium is a form of equilibrium?

because in chemical equilibrium the rate of forward reaction is = the rate of reversed reaction so in both sides at left side and right side those products which are formed are in same quantities that's why chemical equilibrium is the form equilibrium

What temperature is the reaction at equilibrium?

The temperature at which a reaction reaches equilibrium can vary depending on the specific reaction and its conditions. For some reactions, the temperature at equilibrium may be higher, while for others it may be lower. The equilibrium temperature is determined by the enthalpy change of the reaction and the equilibrium constant.

What describes a reaction that reaches equilibrium?

The product and reactants reach a final, unchanging level.

Chemical equilibrium results if?

Chemical equilibrium results if the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal, leading to a balanced state where the concentrations of reactants and products remain constant over time. This occurs when the system reaches a point where the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction, allowing for a dynamic but stable state.

When does chemical equilibrium occur?

Chemical equilibrium occurs when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction in a closed system, leading to a constant concentration of reactants and products. This state represents a balance between the opposing reaction rates, with no net change in the concentration of substances involved in the reaction.

The reaction shown below reaches equilibrium with the concentrations H2O2 equals 0.05 H2O equals 0.11 O2 equals 0.07 What is the equilibrium constant for this reaction?


The reaction shown below reaches equilibrium with the concentrations H2O2 equals 0.55 H2O equals 0.75 O2 equals 0.15 What is the equilibrium constant for this reaction?


What term refers to the condition in which the concentration of the reactants and products remains constant over time?

Chemical equilibrium describes a state in which the concentrations of reactants and products in a reversible chemical reaction remain constant over time. At equilibrium, the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction.