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Q: When does the first cell division in meiosis occur?
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Does cell replacement occur in mitosis or meiosis?

Its meiosis. Mitosis is cell division.

Does cell division occur twice in mitosis or meiosis?

It's mitosis. Meiosis is when the cell divides twice.

What is the cause of tetraploid?

Errors in cell division. Can occur during mitosis or in metaphase I of meiosis.

In what stage of the cell cycle does division occur?

the answer should be gamete and if not its either mitosis or meiosis

What process must occur first before any cell division take place?

Before any cell�division to occur, everything must be duplicated. That occurs during inter-phase before mitosis or meiosis begins or occurs. Fertilization -apex-

What type of cell division results in haploid cells?

Meiosis is the type of cell division that produces haploid cells.

What happenned to the cell in meiosis?

cell division occurs in meiosis

What organs does meiosis occur in?

Meiosis is a special type of cell division that occurs only within the ovaries and testes.

Why is meiosis called reductional cell division?

Meiosis cell division is called reduction division because in this cell division the cells got from the parents cell is divided into half. So the daughter cells is haploid(n). Thus, meiosis cell division is called reduction division.

What is the number of Cell division meiosis?

There are 2 cell divisions in meiosis.

What is the number cell division in meiosis?

There are 2 cell divisions in meiosis.

How are mitosis and meiosis simlair?

Meiosis and Mitosis are both the division of something. Meiosis is the division of chromosomes and Mitosis is the division of cells. They both occur in the cell cycle. Meiosis creates 4 daughter cells and Mitosis creates two complete cells.