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if the cell uses cellular respiration it crates 36, but if it uses lactic acid fermentation it makes 2, I'm sorry but i forgot the third one, also a fermentation.

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Q: When glycolysis occurs and a molecule of glucose is split in 2 pyruvates are made and how many ATP are produced?
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In glycolysis what is converted to two pyruvates?

One glucose molecule is converted to two pyruvate molecules during glycolysis.

How many pyruvates are created from the complete glycolysis of one molecule of glucose?

Correct answer: 2

What are the starting molecules for glycolysis?

Glycolysis harvests chemical energy by oxidizing glucose to pyruvate improvement Glucose is starting molecule for glycolysis.

What happens to a glucose molecule when glycolysis occurs?

During Glycolysis, Glucosemolecules are split into two pyruvates during a sequence of enzyme-controlled reactions. This occurs in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

What happens to a six carbon molecule of glucose during glycolysis?

enzyme-assisted anaerobic process that breaks down one six-carbon molecule of glucose to two three-carbon pyruvates

What is the name of the compound glucose is convertes into in the first phase of cellular respiration?

In the first phase, commonly referred to as glycolysis, 1 glucose molecule is converted into 2 pyruvates.

During glycolosis when glucose is catabolized to pyruvate most of the energy of glucose is?

Retained in the two pyruvates produced by glycolysis.

Can glucose breakdown into pyruvates?

Yes. Glucose is broken down into two pyruvates (which have three carbons as opposed to six found in glucose) during the process glycolysis.

Is pyruvate a cell?

No, pyruvate is a molecule produced from the breakdown of glucose during glycolysis.

Starting molecule for glycolysis?

Glycolysis starts with glucose. It cost 2 ATP to rearrange the glucose molecule at the start of glycolysis. There is 1 molecule at the beginning of glycolysis.

What acid is produced in glycoolysis when glucose is spilt?

Pyruvic acid, also called pyruvate, is produced during glycolysis when the glucose molecule is split.

How many ATP molecules are produced per molecule of glucose are degraded during glycolisis?

4 molecules of ATP are produced per molecule of glucose in glycolysis, but 2 are needed (used, degraded, etc.) to start the reaction, so there is really only a net gain of 2 ATP in the process of glycolysis.