

When is Negative stain used?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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it is used in diagnostic microscopy (to visualize the edges of protein complexes, macromolecules and cells in suspension).

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9y ago

Simple stains are single dyes used to stain the organism and it has limited clinical application.

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Q: When is Negative stain used?
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Gram Negative

Why is the technique called negative staining?

Because the cell wall repels the binding of the negative stain therefore the cells do not stain. Because of this the background is stain with the dye used and the bacteria remain colorless. Basically your staining the background, that is, you are not directly staining the cells.

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A negative result for the spores stain indicate that the gram-negative organism is present. A positive result for a spore stain indicates that a gram positive organism is present.

What kind of dye is used to make a negative stain and why?

Pink Dye

Why cant methylene blue be used in place of nigrosin in negative staining?

Because negative staining requires the use of an acidic stain, which will not penetrate the cells because of the negative charge on the surface of the bacteria. As a result, the unstained cells can be easily identified against the colored background.

Is HIV gram stain positive or negative?

The answer to whether HIV gram-stain positive or negative is that HIV gram-stain is negative. They retain the light red or pink color after the stain.

What kind of stain would you use to visualize Sars?

Negative stain

Why is the size more accurate in a negative stain than a simple stain?

since you do not heat fix the slide when you use a negative stain the cells do not shrink or become distorted

Purpose of decolorizing agent?

The decolorizer, usually acetone or alcohol, is used to wash the Crystal Violet stain from the Gram Negative cells. From this point Safranin stain is used to stain the Gram Negative cells. The final color for Gram Negative will be a Red/Pink color.

Why is decolorization necessary when performing a gram stain?

During the procedures of a gram stain, decolorization is necessary to remove any stain or color from the gram negative cells. When a dye is used to stain gram positive cells, both gram positive and gram negative cells retain color. Mordant is used to bind the original stain to gram positive cells so when decolorizer is used they retain color. After the mordant has been used a decolorizer is used to wash away colo in gram negative cells. Counterstains are used to stain gram negative cells to better visualize contrasting cells. An example of a decolorizer that works well is ethanol.