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You have small bands of muscles between the ribs in your rib cage (called external intercostal muscles) that contract when you inhale and pull your ribs up. ?These are semi-active during regular breathing. ?When you are exercising and need to breathe deep and fast, other muscles also jump in and help your rib cage expand, including your serratus anterior, scalene muscles, and sternocleidomastaoid muscles.

But you are right in saying that the diaphragm does not directly lift the rib cage. ?During normal relaxed breathing, the rib cage mostly just expands on its own (the diaphragm causes your lungs to increase in volume, so the ribs just passively lift up to allow the lungs to expand). ?Only during exercise do your muscles (called accessory muscles of respiration) really do anything to your rib cage.

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Q: When the diaphragm contracts what contract and lift the rib cage?
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When you inhale what does the diaphragm and intercostal muscles do?

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I think you meant move air into the lungs. The muscle is the diaphragm.

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