

When was Peppered moth created?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Peppered moth was created in 1758.

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Q: When was Peppered moth created?
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Where does perppered moth live?

in trees is where the peppered moth lives.

Does anyone have a flowchart of the peppered moth?


What is the melanic form of the peppered moth?

The peppered moth is a classic example used to demonstrate natural selection. It is said that the peppered moth began a light color to blend in to the trees so it would escape being eaten by its predators. However, during the industrial revolution smog darkened the trees and the peppered moth became better adapted as a dark color.

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Is an English peppered moth dangerous?

Not at all

What is the genus of the peppered moth?

betularia (lowercase)

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Is the English peppered moth the example of random genetic drift?

The English Peppered Moth is a result of natural selection, not random genetic drift. This moth evolved because of the light colors of lichens on trees in their habitats.

Where did the peppered moth population adapt?

Directional Selection

What adaptation does the peppered moth have?

Bats and Chickens

What are moths that have more dark spots that the average moth called?

A moth that has more dark spots than the average moth is called a peppered moth. Peppered moths are woodland insects. The caterpillar of this species looks like a small twig and eats leaves from several trees.

What do the peppered moth larvae eat?

a huge, green juicy lizard would eat a peppered moth.. well with my research it is. the lizard is called the green spider as it is sly and cruel. It trap's it in its tongue and swallows it in a gulp.