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Excess transpiration causes the plant to lose turgor pressure, which causes the cell membrane to pull away from the plant's cell walls, making it look wilted.

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13y ago

Because of turgor pressure, the cell membrane pulls away from the plant cell walls which makes it look wilted

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The plants chloroplast needs water in order for it to survive.

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coz itz ded init y else

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Q: When water is lost from a plant why does the plant look wilted?
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Related questions

Will the stomata of a wilted plant be open or closed?

it is closed so no further water can be lost

When does loss of turgor happen?

Turgor would be lost when a plant loses water. Salt water can cause water to move out of plant cells and the plant would wilt.

What is a wilted plant?

A plan wilts because of a shortage of water or because there is no water in the central vacuole over a period of time when the plant really needs water.Answer.While agreeing with the first answer a plant can also wilt if given too much water.

How is transpiration used to replace lost water?

The water lost from the plant's leaves is replaced by the water coming in from the plant's roots.

Why does a wilted piece of lettuce crisp up in cold water?

wilted lettuce are in a plasmolysed condition,when they are placed in a cold water or hypotonic solution then water enters the leaves by thye process of endosmosis and the leaves becomes deplasmolysed and they become crisp.

Why do plants wilt if not watered?

You can think of a plant as a bit like a tower made up of cells instead of bricks. Plant cells are mostly water. If the plant loses too much water through evaporation (or transpiration) and this isn't replaced because you haven't watered it, then the water content of the cells starts to fall. Like partially inflated balloons, they start to lose their shape and strength, becoming "flaccid" or floppy. A tower made of floppy bricks doesn't stand up very well, and is likely to bend over or wilt. Watering the plant will allow the cells to refill and the plant may recover.

When water is lost from a plant what is it caused by?

Yes, primarily.

What is water lost to the atmosphere by the activities of plant?


Why does a plant cell need water?

Plant cells need to remain in a turgid, or swollen, state. Wilted plants have lost this turgidity. Because plant cells are surrounded by a cell wall, they can maintain a higher water potential than animal cells. This allows them to conserve water for later use. Plants have evolved to function in this turgid state, and when their water potential drops their metabolism is effected.

What will happen to the plant if too much water is lost?

it dies

What is the process through which water is lost through the plant stoma?


Most of the water entering the plant through the roots is?

lost by transpiration