

Where do fungi get their food?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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7y ago

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One important way fungi are different is the way they eat. Plants make their own food, using chlorophyll, sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. Fungi cannot make their own food because they do not have chlorophyll. They must eat other living or once-living matter.

Fungi are heterotrophic thus do not carry out photosynthesis, they receive their nutrients from parasites and decomposing matter ex worms.

The Digestion is taken place outside of the body but the nutrients is obtained through the cell walls. But they do not have cells walls like plants for they do not have cellulose.

Fungus gets its food from eating other organisms, which in todays society we call heterotrophic. Heterotrophic means we, and fungi, eat other organisms to obtain energy. Like fungi, we also secrete digestive enzymes into our digestive environment. It's just that we have made this environment portable and keep it within our bodies.

Vocabulary words:

Heterotrophic-To eat another organism to obtain energy. (example: us, fungi, etc.)

they decompose dead organisms -Holy122


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Fungi obtains it's food by having hyphae that absorb nutrients in one spot then the hyphae grow out to absorb more nutrients.

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Fungi actually don't make their food, they're heterotrophic, or decomposer, even though they have cell walls. You find fungi near their food source.

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fungi make food by photosynthesis! they take sunlight and nutrients and make their own food....hope that helpss

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They get their food from animals and plants

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Fungi receives food through filter feeding. It can also just eat bacteria.

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Fungi get into food through contamination - the fungi is allowed to contact the food in some fashion. In the United States, most cross-contamination like this happens in the home after the food has been open. Fungi are pretty much everywhere and for the most part don't hurt anything.

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would you eat mouldy bread --------------------------------------- Fungi are 'decomposers' they make food go bad.