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small intestine

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Q: Where does the process of segmentation occur?
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segmentation is the process of dividing/splitting an image into it's constituent part for analysis purpose...

Is the process of identifying factors that can affect marketing success?

Segmentation Analysis

What is the name of the regional movements that occur in the small intestine and function to brake up churn and fragment the digestive materials are called?

This type of movement is called segmentational movements.

What is Income Segmentation?

Income segmentation is the process of dividing markets by income. This demographic trait is best segmented for higher priced specialty products. Some industries that use income segmentation include travel, entertainment, financial services, etc.

What is the process whereby the market is divided into different groups of people with similar characteristics?

Market segmentation

What is market segmentation of services?

Market segmentation is the process of targeting groups of individuals who are similar to each other. Markets are then segmented to reach the different target groups based on the needs of the those groups.

What is difference of market segment and market segmentation?

Market segment is a market that has been divided into a channel group already. Segmentation is the process of identifying those market traits and dividing that market into a segment.

What is the process of breaking large messages or data into smaller easier-to-manage pieces called?


What is the segmentation for cnidarians?

Segmentation is absent in them .