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you may find red blood cells in veins

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Q: Where in a human do you find red blood cells?
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Related questions

What cells can you find in human blood?

You can find red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in human blood.

What is the shape of the chief cells of human red blood cells?

The shape of the human red blood cells is that it is biconcave in shape.

What organelle is found in frog's blood cells that's not found in human blood cells?

Frog red blood cells contain a nucleus, whereas human red blood cells do not.

What is the only cell in the human body that doesn't have a nucleus?

Mature red blood cells are the only human cells that do not have a nucleus. sorry to do this but that's not the answer but i don't know it

What cells are included in the circulatory system?

Frog Red Blood Cells and Human Red Blood Cells

How do the diameter and concentration of bovine red blood cells compare to human red blood cells?

bovine red blood cells are smaller and more concentrated than human rbc

What is the most numerous in human blood?

Red blood cells are the most common in human blood.

What is in the human blood?

Red Blood Cells White Blood Cells Plasma Platelets

What is the Difference between human blood from animal blood?

It depends on what kind of animal it is. If it is an amphibian, the red blood cells will have a nucleus. Human red blood cells do not have nuclei.

Are there more red blood cells or white blood cells in your bodies?

There are more red blood cells than white in healthy human blood.

What are the most common cells in the blood?

Red blood cells are the most common in human blood.

What is the ratio of red blood cells to white blood cells in the average human?

That is what I am wondering!