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The right answer is "stigma" or "stigmas"

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Tr GaM1Ng2008

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2y ago
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3mo ago

Pollen grains land on the stigma of the flower, which is the sticky structure at the top of the pistil. Once the pollen grains land on the stigma, they can germinate and grow a pollen tube through the style to reach the ovules in the ovary for fertilization to occur.

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it grows in the stigma

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the stigma

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Q: Where in the flower do pollen grains land in order to begin the process of fertilization?
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Why is a flower's stigma sticky?

The stigma of a flower is sticky to help trap and hold onto pollen grains. This stickiness allows the pollen to adhere to the stigma and then germinate, helping with the process of fertilization.

What will you say that anther forms pollen or pollen grains?

An anther is the male reproductive structure of a flower that produces pollen. Pollen grains contain the male gametes of plants and are essential for the process of pollination, where the pollen is transferred to the stigma of a flower for fertilization to occur.

What is the job of the anthor on the flower?

Anther provides pollen grains for pollination & fertilization

What is A process in which pollen from one plant to pollinate the eggs in the flower?

I think that there are two processes: Pollination and Fertilization Pollination is when the pollen grains meet on the stigma (female reproductive organ) of another flower. Fertilization is when the pollen actually meets the egg in the ovary. (Sperm joins with egg)

What is the stigmas job on a flower?

The stigma is the part of the flower that receives pollen during the process of pollination. Its main job is to capture pollen grains for fertilization, ultimately leading to the production of seeds.

Where on the flower must pollen be put for fertilisation to take place?

Pollen must be placed on the stigma of the flower for fertilization to take place. The stigma is the receptive part of the female reproductive organs in a flower where pollen grains land and germinate to begin the process of fertilization.

What is the process in which pollen from one plant is used to pollinate the eggs in the flower of a different plant?

I think that there are two processes: Pollination and Fertilization Pollination is when the pollen grains meet on the stigma (female reproductive organ) of another flower. Fertilization is when the pollen actually meets the egg in the ovary. (Sperm joins with egg)

Is a pollen gains produced by the male part?

Yes, pollen grains are produced by the male reproductive organs of plants, known as the stamen. The pollen grains contain the male gametes that are involved in the process of fertilization when they come into contact with the female reproductive organs of a flower.

What is anther pollen?

Anther pollen refers to the pollen grains produced by the anther, which is the male reproductive organ of a flower. These pollen grains contain the male gametes needed for fertilization when they land on the stigma of a flower.

What is the significance of the long feathery stigma in the flower?

The long feathery stigma in a flower is the part that receives pollen during pollination. It is essential for fertilization to occur, as it captures the pollen grains for the growth of the pollen tube down to the ovary. This process ultimately leads to the formation of seeds.

Where is pollin made?

Pollen is made by male parts of flowering plants, called anthers, which produce pollen grains. These grains are then transferred to the female parts of a flower for fertilization to occur.

Which structure is where pollen grains land and stick?

The structure where pollen grains land and stick is the stigma of a flower. The stigma is the uppermost part of the pistil, and its sticky surface helps to capture and hold pollen grains for fertilization.