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The second step of photosynthesis happens between the chloroplasts, rather than inside of them. This particular step is also independent of light, so if the light suddenly goes away for some reason, it doesn't totally stop the photosynthesis all at once.

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14y ago

the second stage occurs during autumn and effects the chloroplasts colour turning it orange then they drop off and create more co2. this is called the automnosynthe reaction.

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into the thylakoids.

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Q: Where is the second stage of photosynthesis occur?
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Photosynthesis can be divided into two part: light reaction is the first stage of photosynthesis, occurring only in the presence of light, during which energy captured from light drives the production of ATP. dark reaction is the second stage of photosynthesis, not requiring light to occur, and during which energy released from ATP drives the production of organic molecules from carbon dioxide.

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I think the answer is carbon dioxide

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Photosynthesis is when plants, algae, cyanobacteria, etc. create energy with the aid of light. The presence of light is what instigates photosynthesis to occur since the "Light-dependent" stage is the first stage. Then there is the "light-independent" stage, which I believe is the calvin-benson cycle.

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Are PS I and PS II part of the Calvin cycle?

No, PS I and PS II are part of the first stage of photosynthesis, the light reactions. The Calvin cycle is the second stage of photosynthesis and does utilize the photosystems.

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1st-Light reaction 2nd-Dark reaction

Where doest the second stage of photosynthesis take place?

the chloroplast where the majority of the process takes place