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Q: Which anatomical region of the abdominopelvic cavity is in the middle of the upper row?
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The region of the abdominopelvic cavity that is inferior and medial to the left lumbar region is the?


What is the medical term for middle abdominopelvic region?

The middle abdominopelvic region in the nine-region scheme is the umbilical region. Umbilical means related to the navel.

The uppermost middle abdominopelvic region is the?

Umbilical region

What is abdominopelvic?

It refers to the region in the body that contains both the abdominal and pelvic cavities. Sometimes they are referred to separately, and sometimes anatomists prefer to combine them and call the ventral region below the thoracic cavity as the abdominopelvic cavity.

This area is inferior to the diaphragm?

In terms of body regions, the abdomen is inferior to the diaphragm. In terms of body cavities, the abdominopelvic cavity is inferior to the diaphragm. In terms of anatomical regions of the body, the umbilical region is the inferior to the epigastric region (which the diaphragm is found in)

In what cavity is the urinary bladder located?

on your right side below your liver in the pancreas area

What cavity houses the lungs?

The thoracic cavity is the anatomical region with the lungs being situated inside the right and left pleural cavities that flank the pericardial cavity .

What abdominopelvic region is the pancreas in?

Epigastric Region

What abdominopelvic region contains the urinary bladder?

The abdominal region that contains the rectum is the pubic region.

What abdominopelvic region is the gallbladder in?

The gallbladder is located in the Right Inhuinal Region.

What abdominopelvic region is uterus locate in body?

Hypogastric (pubic) region

What are the nine regions of the abdominopelvic cavity?

* 1) Umbilical Region 2) Epigastric Region 3) Hypogastric Region4) Right and Left Hypochondriac Regions 5) Right and Left Lumbar Regions 6) Right and Left Inguinal Regions