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Gangrene, tetinus, botulism. Bacteroides vulgaris and Clostridium sporogenes

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12y ago

i just know one and that is YEAST which is a single celled organism

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Q: Which are the two organisms which breathe anaerobically?
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Do acorn barnacles breathe in air or water?

air, through diffusion of the dissolved oxygen in the water (however, they can survive anaerobically for some time as well)

Do living things get energy from oxygen in the air?

no they get energy from the food they consume. we use sugar that is pretty much present in everything and the oxygen we breathe in, and our cells react these together to produce energy. of course, this is aerobic respiration. some organisms of capable of respiring anaerobically and therefore have no use for oxygen at all

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Fish use gills to breathe underwater.

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No it is dead organisms and rock they dont need to breathe

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What gas is produced when yeast respire anaerobically?

When yeast respires anaerobically it takes glucose (C6H12O6) and breaks it into ethanol, a small amount of energy, and two molecules of carbon dioxide gas (2CO2).

How does photosynthesis help organisms survive?

photosynthesis helps organisms survive by providing them with oxygen to breathe.

Do all organism breath?

All organisms respire. Plants do not breathe, but they respire. Animals breathe to respire.

Do single celled organisms breathe?

yes...thry do!

How do multicellular organisms breathe?

They obtain their oxygen by simple diffusion.

When will a cell break down glucose anaerobically?

If you break down the word aerobic: aero- "air" + bios "life". So aerobic organisms live on the presence of air, specifically oxygen. The prefix ana- is a negation, so anaerobic organisms do not require oxygen for respiration. Some organisms (called facultative anaerobes) are able to switch from aerobic to anaerobic respiration. The determining factor in the switch from aerobic to anaerobic would be the presence of oxygen. If there is no oxygen, then facultative anaerobes will respire anaerobically.