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The amoeba takes in food "through their skin." In the case of amoebas, of course,

having only one cell, they don't have the kind of skin we do, which is made

up of many layers of cells. The surface of the amoeba, like all individual

cells, is called a membrane, and it's actually a double layer of fat like

molecules that separate the stuff inside the cell from what's outside. But

embedded in this membrane are many hundreds of specialized molecules made

of proteins and sugars that cover most of the surface. Some of these go

right through the membrane to the inside and are connected to a complicated

bit of machinery that can change the shape of parts of the ameba's surface.

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11y ago

Amoeba takes its food by the cell membrane which forms the food vacuole. This process is known as endocytosis .

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12y ago

The pseudopodia. The amoeba extends it microtubules into it's membrane and develops pseudopodia that reach out and envelope it's prey. Then it pulls it's main body up to the pseudopodia.

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How does food storage and digestion take place in amoeba?

The digestion of food in Amoeba takes place in the food vacuole. :)

How amoeba takes up food describe process with diagram?

The mode of nutrition in amoeba is holozoic. The process of obtaining food is called phagocytosis. Amoeba feeds on microscopic organisms floating on water. The nutrition involves processes like ingestion, digestion, assimilation and egestion.Process : Amoeba forms pseudopodia to take food. When the tips of

What is the meaning of Amebic?

"Amebic" is an adjective that means, "Having to do with Amoeba". Amoebas are tiny, single-celled creatures. They take in food by wrapping their bodies around it until it is engulfed in the amoeba's body. There is a disease caused by one type of amoeba called, "Amebic dysentery". (am-EE-bick DISS-uhn-terry)

What is the difference in between nutrition in amoeba and human beings?

according to me the only difference between amoeba and humans is that , that amoeba is a unicellular organism whereas human are multi-cellular organisms ..............hope you like the answer.......... :D

Is the food vacuole of amoeba temporary structure or permanent structure?

It is permanentaly present in amoeba and is required to take food and als excreate waste, the temporary str is gas vacoule and that to is not present in each amoebic organism

How amoeba obtain its food?

They engulf there food by the process of phagocytosis or picnocytosis. The large food material first broken down by ameoba as it secreate some extracellular enzyme then that food material is taken by amoeaba as amoeba form pseudopodia around the food material and then take it inside the cell.

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How does endocytosis help an organissm like amoeba?

Endocytosis helps an organism like amoeba by allowing it to ingest food particles and other substances from the external environment. Amoebas use a process called phagocytosis to surround and engulf these particles into a membrane-bound vesicle called a food vacuole. The content of the food vacuole is then digested to provide nutrients and energy for the amoeba's survival and growth.

What part of the human body manufactures food?

Human body is not making food. only plants making food.

What is the slowest protist?

The amoeba is the slowest protist because it's only way of moving is the shift it's cytoplasm into the pseudopods, which take a long time.

How long does if take food to go through a body?

it take 3 day for the food to pass though the body

How ameoba take food?

amoeba is a phagocyte. it means that it is a cell which absorbs waste material, harmful microorganisms, or other cells by engulfing them. the process of engulfing food is called phagocytosis.