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in adulthood, the red bone marrow is in the shafts of most long bones.

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The sternum, ribs, pelvis, vertebrae, and skull bones contain significant amounts of red bone marrow in adults. Red bone marrow is responsible for producing blood cells in the body.

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13y ago

Red bone marrow, which produces blood cells, is found in the spongy bone of long bones, such as the femur.

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It lies entirely within the spaces of bone: medullary cavity of young long bones, or spaces of spongy bone

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In spongy bone.

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Q: Which bone would contain significant amounts of red bone marrow in an adult?
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What would you find in the marrow cavity of the diaphysis of an adult humerus?

In the marrow cavity of an adult humerus, you would typically find yellow bone marrow, which consists mostly of adipose tissue. Yellow bone marrow stores fat and does not actively produce blood cells unless needed in times of severe blood loss or specific medical conditions.

What is the central cavity of a long bone?

maxillary canal

Is blood-forming marrow in the diaphysis of most long bones of an adult?

No, blood-forming marrow is typically found in the red marrow located in the spongy bone at the ends of long bones (epiphysis) and in flat bones such as the sternum, ribs, pelvis, and skull. The diaphysis of long bones primarily contains yellow marrow, which consists mostly of fat cells.

What are normal results of bone marrow aspiration and biopsy?

Normal results of a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy will show a healthy distribution of bone marrow cells including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Additionally, the marrow should contain the appropriate ratio of different cell types at various stages of maturation. Absence of abnormal cells such as blasts or malignancies is also expected in normal results.

In an adult red blood cells are produced primarily in the?

In an adult, red blood cells are primarily produced in the bone marrow, specifically in the spongy or cancellous bone. The bone marrow contains hematopoietic stem cells that give rise to all types of blood cells, including red blood cells.

Related questions

What bone would not contain red marrow in the adult skeleton?

frontal and parietal bones

Which bone contain red marrow for blood cell formation in a healthy adult?

pelvic bones

What is a soft yellow or red sustance found in the central cavities of the bones?

This substance is called marrow. Red marrow is found in most bones of children, and is where red and white blood cells are made and mature. Yellow marrow is found in most adult bones, and is mostly composed of fat. The red marrow in childrens bones is slowly converted to yellow marrow as we age. In a middle-aged adult, usually only flat bones still contain red marrow.

Why can you not just use stem cells from adult bone marrow?

While adult bone marrow does contain stem cells, they are limited in their ability to differentiate into other cell types compared to embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, meaning they can develop into any cell type in the body, making them more versatile for regenerative medicine and research. Additionally, obtaining embryonic stem cells does not require invasive procedures as collecting adult bone marrow does.

Site of hematopoieses in the adult?

Bone marrow

What would you find in the marrow cavity of the diaphysis of an adult humerus?

In the marrow cavity of an adult humerus, you would typically find yellow bone marrow, which consists mostly of adipose tissue. Yellow bone marrow stores fat and does not actively produce blood cells unless needed in times of severe blood loss or specific medical conditions.

Site of fat storage in the adult?

yellow marrow cavity

What is the site of fat storage in the adult?

the yellow marrow cavity

What does yellow marrow store?

Yellow bone marrow mostly stores and is made up of fat cells. The yellow bone marrow makes up about half of the adult human bodies bone marrow.

What system of the body produces blood?

Bone marrow in an adult, bone marrow and spleen in an infant, spleen and liver in a fetus.

What is the central cavity of a long bone?

maxillary canal

What is the difference between red marrow and yellow marrow?

the principal site of hemopoises is the red bone marrow of the sternum. whereas yellow bone marrow in certain long bones of an adult produces rbcs wbcs and platelets.