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Q: Which cell junction will allow the movement of molecules between two plant cells?
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How do you increase or decrease the movment of molecules?

Molecules react to thermal energy, or heat, as well as pressure. When you increase the temperature of molecules, they will increase their vibration and movement. Pressure can also allow molecules to move from one area to another.

How do molecules get in and out of cell?

polar molecules are repelled by the cells electrical charge.

What condition will allow water to evaporate?

The continuous movement of water molecules can lead some molecules at the surface to escape in the atmosphere as a gas. High temperature and low pressure favors evaporation.

What three methods allow exchange of molecules between cells and their surroundings?

Diffusion- Osmosis Endocytosis

Why is cellular energy vital in maintaining an organism life processes?

Like in physics, things don't just move by no reason. There has to be an energy or force to allow movement. This movement is needed to deliver oxygen, breathe, regulate temperature, etc. The ATP molecules supply these movement and thus allow life processes to go on.

What membranes allow some materials to pass while constraining the movement of other molecules.?

Semi permeable membranes as the plasma membranes in cells of our body.

What types of bonds allow different water molecules to be attracted to one another and allows capillary action to occur?

These are hydrogen bonds between water molecules.

Allows convection and can be a good conductor of heat?

What is the functions of gap junction?

They allow the propagation of electrical impulses across the myocardium. They are responsible for electrochemical and metabolic coupling. They allow action potentials to spread between cardic cells by permitting the passage of ions between cells, producing depolarization of the heart muscle.

What is the difference between a fixed and a floating bearing?

floating bearing allows axial movement of the shaft. fixed bearing does not allow for axial movement of the shaft