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Q: Which cell process produces the proteins that an organism needs in order to grow?
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What does an expressed gene do?

a cell produces only the proteins it needs.

A that provides for all of the organism's needs like water proteins fats and sugar?

What do living things need? A place to live that provides for all the organism's needs. Raw materials, like water, proteins, fats, and sugars.

What is the outcome of gene regulation?

Each cell produces only the proteins it needs.

What the different between sexual reproduction and asexual?

sexual reproduction requires meiosis, a process in which a parent cell divides to in half and only have half on the chromosomes: 23 asexual reproduction is a process in which only one parent produces another organism :)

How lipids can help an organism regulate its water content?

The lipids block water from entering the cell, while proteins allow what the cell needs to enter it.

Are proteins vegetarian?

proteins are not that. it is something our body needs. it is in chicken

A process where elements or other forms of matter are passed from one organism to another?

Biogeochemical cycle is a process in which elements, chemical compounds and other forms of matter are passed from one organism to another and from one part of the biosphere to another. Nutrients are a chemical substance that an organism needs to sustain life.

What is primary role?

protein are broken down by the body to form amino acid and then it(body) rebuids the amino acid into proteins it needs,these protein are used in making body tissues,hormones,skin,haemoglobin etc,generally a living organism is a bag of proteins...

What are six things an individual organism needs to survive?

the six things that an organism needs are: cellular organization,

What is an environment that meets the needs of organism?

The organism's natural habitat

What is the place where an organism lives and that provides the the organism needs?

its egosystem

What is the gene expression?

Gene expression is the process by which inheritable information from a gene, such as the DNA sequence, is made into a functional gene product, such as protein or RNA.