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The Palisade Mesophyll Cell.

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Q: Which cell type absorbs the most carbon dioxide during the day?
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Why does carbon dioxide leave the cell during cellular respiration?

Carbon dioxide leaves a cell during cellular respiration because it is a waste to the human body and other mammals. If carbon dioxide remains in the blood for too long, the individual will pass out. When carbon dioxide leaves the cell, it leaves our body when we exhale.

What do cells do during cell respiration?

carbon dioxide and water

What do plants release during cell respiration?

plants 'breathe' in carbon dioxide and 'breathe' out oxygen

What does the cell produce during aerobic respiration?

Carbon dioxide is released, and heat as a by-product

How does carbon dioxide from a cell in your hand leave the body Please not too detailed thanks?

The carbon dioxide is dissolved in your blood. The blood travels round the body, to the lungs. Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide are exchanged during breathing. The Carbon Dioxide is exhaled from the lungs, through the mouth.

What are the product obtained during cellular anaerobic respiration human muscle cell-?

The product obtained during cellular anaerobic respiration human muscle cell water, energy and carbon dioxide.

How does carbon dioxide and water moves in out of a cell?

The carbon dioxide will move in because if the amount of carbon dioxide fluid is greater outside the cell then the carbon dioxide will diffuse in so that the amount of carbon dioxide inside and outside of the cell will be an equillibrium

What is the function of carbon in the cell?

Forms the backbone of starch and cellulose within the plant cell. Mostly used during photosynthesis to produce carbohydrates from atmosphertic carbon dioxide.

What is an animal's smallest structure organ cell tissue or carbon dioxide?

carbon dioxide

Which gas is absorbed by the palisade cell?

Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the palisade cell. The palisade cell is a plant cell and without them the plant would die. Plants need carbon dioxide so they can produce food. Through photosynthesis (when a plant uses light to convert carbon dioxide into food).

Does blood transport carbon dioxide and waste to each cell?

No, carbon dioxide and waste are transported by the blood AWAY from each cell.

Why is the chlorophyll portion of the plant cell so important?

the chlorophyll cells makes the plant green, and gives out carbon dioxide also it absorbs sunlight and water. you're welcome.