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The Optical nerver or the Second Cranial nerve controls and relays information absorbed through the rods and cones of the eye. Eye movements (eye muscles), however, are controlled by several other cranial nerves including the Oculomotor, Abducens, and Trochlear nerves.

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The optic nerve (Cr. N II) is the sensory nerve of the eye, allowing for sight. Cranial nerves III, IV, and VI are the motor nerves to the muscles of the eye, allowing their movement.

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Q: Which cranial nerves conduct the sensory and motor impulses of the eye?
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How do somatic sensory nerve impulses get to the brainstem from the head itself?

Somatic sensory nerve impulses get to the brainstem from the head itself via the cranial nerves. Cranial nerves are also known as cerebral nerves.

Are cranial nerves motor or sensory?

sensory nerve

How many pairs are of the cranial nerves?

There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves that are part of the PNS. These nerves are sensory, mixed and mostly motor.

How many cranial nerves carry both sensory and motor impulses?

Five cranial nerves are mixed or sensorimotor nerves:Trigeminal Nerve (V)Facial Nerve (VII)Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX)Vagus Nerve (X)Accessory Nerve (XI)

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There are the Mixed Nerves in the spinal column that carry both sensory and motor nerves, but these neurons have 2 different jobs that they do,& I know of no neurons doing both as the impulses travel to 2 different locations which couldn't be done at the same time.

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Which cranial nerves are not sensory?

Cranial nerves III (oculomotor), IV (trochlear), VI (abducens), XI (accessory), and XII (hypoglossal) are motor nerves only.

What do cranial nerves VII IX and X contain?

Cranial nerves VII, IX and X are called mixed nerves because they contain both motor and sensory nerves.

What type of nerve sends messages from sense organs to the brain?

This is simple; don't overthink it. The nerves that carry sensory impulses to the brain are the sensory nerves.

The only two cranial nerves that are completely sensory are numbers?

I and II

What is the function of the associative nerves?

Links That Stimulates sensory nerves to motor nerves

Pure sensory cranial nerve?

Cranial nerves are primarily sensory. These nerves are directly between the brain and the brainstem and are responsible for smell, vision, eye movement, facial sensation, and the tongue movement.