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Q: Which disorder of the eye is caused by an abnormal accumulation of aqueous humor in the eye?
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What is caused the accumulation of aqueous humor in the eyes?

You get what is called as glaucoma. You have acute and chronic glaucoma.

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What can cause Wilson disease?

The disorder is caused by a defective copper-binding protein found primarily in the liver, which leads to excess copper circulating through the bloodstream

What is a genetic disorder that causes abnormal hemoglobin?

Sickle cell anemia causes sickle-shaped red blood cells. It is caused by a single base pair gene mutation.

What is cerebral palsy exactly?

It is a non progressive disorder of movement and posture caused by abnormal development of, or damage to, motor control centers of the brain. The damage can be done before, during or after birth.

What is lipotoxicity?

Lipotoxicity refers to the ability of lipids to cause cellular, tissue, or organ damage when these lipids are present in larger than normal amounts. An example of lipotoxicity is damage caused by abnormal hepatocellular lipid accumulation during steatosis.

What is the condition caused by impaired drainage of aqueous humor?

This is glaucoma.

What causes abnormal supply curves?

Abnormal supply curve is caused by fall in price

Muscle fatigue is caused by a buildup of?

Muscle fatigue is caused by an accumulation of lactic acid in muscles.

What cellular organelle is involved in Tay-sachs?

Tay-Sachs disease is a human genetic disorder which results in the accumulation of cells due to the clogging caused by undigested lipids. The organelle involved in this disease is the lysosome.

What is lymphedemia?

ANSWER Simply put, lymphedEMA is an abnormal accumulation of tissue fluid in the lymphatic system. There are different causes, including infections and impairment of the lymphatic vessels or excessive production of fluid caused by venous obstruction. You can read all about it at your local library! <<<ADR>>>

Can reflex sympathetic dystrophy be caused by a pain disorder?

RSD, or CRPS, is classified as a pain disorder. It is usually caused by an injury, and is not usually caused by another pain disorder. In rare cases, if you re-injure a limb affected by another pain disorder you can get RSD, but not directly from another pain disorder.