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A large, double membrane-bound organelle found in eukaryotic cells. Contains DNA and RNA. Organelle - A membrane-bound sub-cellular structure found in eukaryotic cells. The Cell nucleus, mitochondria, ER, and golgi apparatus are all examples.

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Its the Nucleus

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Q: Which is the largest organelle within a eukaryotic cell?
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The mitochondria.

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It is found in the nucleus.

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A eukaryotic cells' distinguishing organelle is a nucleus.

What is the biggest organelle?

eukaryotic cell

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The nucleus is the largest organelle in animal cells.

How is organelle used in a sentence?

All cells, whether they are eukaryotic or prokaryotic, have organelles that exist within its cell membrane.

Which cell organelle is not present in Eukaryotes?

A Eukaryotic cell does not have a flagellum.

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A vacuole is an organelle IN a Eukaryote cell

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The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an eukaryotic organelle that forms an interconnected network of tubules, vesicles, and cisternae within cells.