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carpometacarpal joint of thumb

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Q: Which is the largest saddle variety of synovial joint?
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Is the thumb a synovial joint?

yes there is a saddle joint at the base of the thumb.

What kind of synovial joint is a multiaxial joint?

Ball-and-Socket Joints

What is type of joint found at the base of the thumb?

The thumb is made up of two phalanges (one distal phalanx and one proximal phalanx), and one metacarpal. At the "visible base" of the thumb, or where the thumb seems to enter the hand, there is a condyloid synovial joint, which involves the articulation of the proximal phalanx on the first metacarpal. The TRUE base of the thumb is where the first metacarpal articulates with the trapezium (a carpal bone of the hand). This joint is a saddle-type synovial joint.

What is the most injured joint in the body?

Gliding joints are the most frequently used joint in your body.

Is the costosternal joint a synovial joint?

Synovial joints allow for movement between the articulating bones (in this case the sternum and the clavicle). The articulating bones are covered in articular cartilage, which are connected with ligaments and lined with a synovial membrane. There is a fluid-filled sac between these types of joints to reduce the amount of friction with movement and the fluid inside of these sacs is called synovial fluid.

Is glenohumeral joint a synovial joint?

Yes, it is ball and socket joint (a type of synovial joint).

Are all synovial joints freely movable?

Short answer: Yes. Long answer: There are three types of joints: fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial. Fibrous joints (seen in the skull's sutures) are always synarthrotic (immovable). Cartilaginous joints are both synarthrotic (seen in between the sternum and the first ribs) and amphiarthrotic (slightly movable). The last type of joint, synovial, comes in a variety of styles (saddle, ball-in-socket, ect.) and is always diarthrotic (moveable)

What is a synovial joint?

A synovial joint contains a fluid-filled joint cavity enclosed by an articular capsule. Some of them are enforced by ligaments. Synovial joints are freely movable and examples include the elbow joint and wrist joint.

What are three type of movable joints?

saddle,plane,and pivot joint

What is the largest and most complex synovial joint?

The knee joint is likely the most complex in the body, followed by the shoulder joint.

What is the medical term meaning joint at the base of your thumb?

The base of the thumb, the first phalanx, makes a joint with a carpal bone called the trapezium, and the two articulate in a special joint called a saddle joint. You only have tow of these in your body, one at the base of each thumb.

What is the joint between the trapezium and the metacarpal?

saddle joint