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The most diverse kingdom is likely Animalia.

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Q: Which is the most diverse of the six kingoms of living organisms plantae or animalia or protista or archaebacteria?
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Which is the most diverse of the six kingdoms of living organisms?

The word Kingdom encompasses all animals...can't get more diverse than everything.

What are the clear difrerences between kingdom protista and kingdom protozoa?

Protozoans are diverse group of organisms in Kingdom protista.

What are the 6 kingdoms of biology?

1.) Archae - Prokaryotic organisms2.) Monera - Also prokaryotic3.) Protocista - Eukaryotic4.) Fungi - Eukaryotic5.) Plantae - Eukaryotic6.) Animalia - Eukaryotic____________________________I am not certain what system the above answer is referring to, it seems like more of a combination of terms from the old 5 kingdom system and the more recently adapted 6 kingdom system. As far as I know, the six kingdom system includes:-Animalia-Plantae-Fungi-Protista-Bacteria-Archaea

Why does the protista classification change so frequently?

Protists are a large and diverse group of microorganisms that belong to the family of Protista. Protists classifications frequently change as new organisms are discovered.

What kingdom are eukaryote belong in?

An organism is made up of several eukaryotic cells and eats only dead organisms. It is made up of several eukaryotic cells so it is not Kingdom Monera. It eats dead organisms, so it is probably a decomposer and apart of the Kingdom Fungi.

What kingdom are usually single-celled eukaryotes?

A: The kingdom that is single-celled is the protist kingdom. It is one of the five kingdoms of living things; plant, animal, protist, moneran, and fungi. An example of a protist is algae. Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Protista, and FungiProtista and Fungi

Are protists unicelluar or multicellular?

it can be considered a multicellular organism

What are the five kingdoms?

The five-kingdom system of classification is only one of a few, and might be superseded. To common knowledge, the five kingdoms of life are:Monera (bacteria)Protista (protists - algae and protozoa)Fungi (yeasts, slime molds, toadstools)Plantae (mosses, flowering plants, gymnosperms)Animalia (animals - sponges, jellyfish, worms, starfish, insects, arachnids, vertebrates and so on)These days, a six-kingdom system seems to be taking over. The kingdoms are:Archaea (archaebacteria)Bacteria (bacteria)Protista (protists)FungiPlantaeAnimaliaNote however that this is not very impressive since protists are so diverse that they should really be divided into perhaps 60 kingdoms themselves. Taxonomists are still working at protist classification.

Why is the kingdom Protista not valid under evolutionary classification?

Simply put, the classification "Protista" is very diverse and paraphyletic.

What kind of species are plankton in?

Plankton are a part of the Kingdom Animalia. The genus and species of plankton can vary greatly because they are a very diverse group of organisms.

What are proctists?

Do u mean protists? prosists can be any of various one-celled organisms, classified in the kingdom Protista, that are either free-living or aggregated into simple colonies and that have diverse reproductive and nutritional modes, including the protozoans, eukaryotic algae, and slime molds: some classification schemes also include the fungi and the more primitive bacteria and blue-green algae or may distribute the organisms between the kingdoms Plantae and Animalia according to dominant characteristics.

Are organisms more or less diverse?

they are less diverse