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Q: Which layer of skin contains most of the accessory structures?
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Which layer of the leaf most structures can be found?

The mesophyll layer is the layer with the most working structures in it, including chloroplasts. The mesophyll layer is the middle layer of a leaf between the viens and the epidermis.

What layer contains most of are planets ozone?

which layer contains most of earths ozone

What is the atmospheric layer that contains the most ozone?

The layer of atmosphere that contains the maximum ozone is stratopshere. It contains most of the ozone in the form of ozone layer.

What layer contains the most water vapor?

the layer (of the earth) that contains the most water vapor is the troposphere

Which layer of the earth contains the most oxygen?

The troposphere layer contains the most oxygen. Stratosphere contains most of the ozone i.e. a form of oxygen.

What layer of the atmosphere contains the most ozone layer?

Stratosphere is the layer of atmosphere. It contains the ozone layer. Ozone is the blanket on earth.

What layer of skin that contains the blood vessels and nerves closest to the surface of of the skin is?

The upper layer of the skin is called the 'epidermis'. In birds, it contains no nerve cells, and their Merkel cells are located in the dermis. However, in most animals it contains a scattering of nerve cells called Merkel cells, located at the basal layer. The middle layer of the skin is called the 'dermis.' It contins blood vessels, most of the nerve cells, and other structures. The lower layer of the skin is called the 'sub-cutis' and mostly contains fat.

What contains most of the ozone?

The ozone layer contains most of the ozone. It is present in the stratospheric region.The stratosphere contains most of the ozone.If that's what you were asking...

What most contains ozone?

Stratosphere contains most ozone. It is in the form of ozone layer.

Could u Described the structures macroscopically visible in the cortex and medulla layers of the kidney?

The Renal Cortex is the outer most layer of the kidney and while it contains many microscopic structures, it doesn't really contain any structures that can be seen by the naked eye. The Renal Medulla however contains many macroscopic structures such as veins and arteries, and most notable the renal pyramid, renal columns, minor calyx and major calyx.

Which layer in the atmosphere contain most of the ozone gas?

See "In what layer of the atmosphere do you find the ozone layer?" in the "Related questions" section below.

What is the number of the layer that contains this ozone layer?

The ozone layer is contained in the stratosphere. This layer is the second to the bottom most layer.