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Microorganisms that are in a dormant or contain endospores are the most resistant.

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Q: Which microbial forms are most resistant to disinfectants?
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Why are microbial forms are the most resistant to disinfectants?


Which group of microorganisms have the property of highly resistant endospores under certain growth conditions?

Group C. I'm in microbiology right now. Group A are vegetative forms of most bacteria and enveloped viruses that are easily killed by disinfectants. Group B are more difficult to kill, like tuberculosis baccillus and unenveloped viruses. and Group C have highly resistant endospores.

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What are different types of disinfectant?

Disinfectants can be classified in two different ways. One is by what type of chemical they are. For example, the active ingredient in Lysol is O-phenylphenol. Phenol and some other disinfecting chemicals are chemically similar. Another way to classify disinfectants is by how many hard-to-kill microbes they are effective against. High level disinfectants can kill most endospore-forming bacteria which tend to be very resistant. There are intermediate level and low level disinfectants as well.

What are the most common disinfectants?

chlorine and alcohol

Against which organism are disinfectants effective?

Disinfectants are effective against vegetative cells and viruses, but not endospores.

Why can't disinfectants used to clean skin?

Disinfectants kill or inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Most disinfectants are too harsh to be applied to living tissue, and are applied only to inanimate surfaces. Ammonia, ethanol, and bleach are examples of widely used disinfectants.

Which disinfectant is most recommended by OSHA?

OSHA does not recommend disinfectants.

Why does sterilization necessary in clinical life?

Sterilization is necessary because there are billions of microbial organisms on everything. Microbial organisms are what cause most illnesses. Sterilization kills these microbial organisms.

Does paper currency have antibacterial protection?

No. In fact, most paper currency is fairly dirty, at least at a microbial level. In any case increased reliance on antibacterial agents in soaps, hand-sanitizers, etc. has backfired by encouraging the survival of the most resistant strains of "bugs".

Why are airplane bodies made out of duralumin?

Because it is stronger and lighter than other alloys, as well as being resistant to most forms of corrosion.

What is the medical significance of Bacterial spores?

Bacterial spores are far more resistant to disinfectants than non-spore forming bacteria. As a result, bacterial spores are more virulent and therefore more capable of causing disease since they can survive most methods that kill 'normal' bacteria...