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Q: Which of the following can serve as as energy source and a structural support in plant cells?
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What do carbohydrates provide for the cell?

Because carbohydrates produce sugars and are a source of energy

Why does the body even in an inactive person have to have protein in their diet and have protein synthesis occurring everyday?

Protein is not only a source of energy, but it is necessary for other things such as enzymatic reactions and structural support for cells.

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Nuclear fusion is the source of the sun's energy.

What is the function of the carbonhydrate?

The Carbohydrates function in the body is the storage, and transport of energy and structural components. Carbohydrates are the body's main source of fuel for energy.

Are carbohydrates used as a source of energy by living organism?

Cellulose is used as a structural component in plant cell walls.

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Are fats structural building materials?

Fats are not primarily structural building materials. They serve as a concentrated source of energy in the body and are essential for various functions such as storing energy, insulating organs, and aiding in nutrient absorption. Proteins are more commonly known as structural building materials in the body.

Which of the following is an advantage of solar power as a source of electricity?

It uses a free energy source that will not run out.

What are the functions of carbohydrates?

The functions of carbohydrates are:1.Primary energy source for cells2.Structural material of plant cell walls

What would the organism use for energy after carbohydrates?

The next available energy source to the cell following carbohydrate depletion is protein.

What are carbohydrates used for in the body?

One of the main jobs of carbohydrates is to provide fuel for the body to do its job. So if we want to run or walk somewhere or play sports or even work -- all of those activities use carbohydrates. It is our main energy source and helps the body maintain energy.