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A mutagen is a substance that has the potential to cause a mutation in the DNA.

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Q: Which of the these would most likely cause a mutation?
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What would most likely cause a new genetic defect to appear in a gene pool?

Mutation .

Could a single mutation cause barbules to form on feather barbs?

Although the cause of barbules to form on feather barbs doesn't sound like a difficult change in evolution, it would likely take more than just a single mutation for such an evolutionary change to occur. Most likely, it would take many mutations.

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yes but it would most likely be unnoticable

DNA mutations can lead to genetic disorders diseases or even the death of an organism Which of the following factors is most likely to cause a mutation in DNA?

DNA mutations can lead to genetic disorders, diseases, or even the death of an organism. Which of the following factors is most likely to cause a mutation in DNA?

What factors is most likely caused a mutation in DNA?

There are two main factors that cause a mutation in DNA. These factors include: the DNA fails to accurately copy itself and external influence cause a breakdown in the DNA.

What mutation most likely can affect a cow offspring?

A mutation in egg cells

What mutations would most likely affect a person's offspring?

Any mutation could do so.

What would happen if we didn't have junk DNA?

If we didn't have junk DNA any mutation would cause damage to essential sequences of DNA and likely kill the host. It would be to dangerous to be in the sun because uv radiation cause mutations. However most of the mutation occur in the non essentioal junk DNA thus protecting essential DNA.

What would a single change in the sequence of nitrogenous bases in a DNA molecule most likely result in?

A mutation

When a child is born with a chromosomal mutation when did the mutation occurs?

during meiosis

What is the most likely example of a favorable mutation?

A mutation that makes a rabbit able to run faster.

Which kind of mutation is most likely to produce a protein with one extra amino acid?

A frameshift mutation