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Answer this question… Water droplets on the sides of the model

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Q: Which of these should you look for in order to observe plant transpiration in a model ecosystem?
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Which action would allow you to distinguish between transpiration and evaporation in a model ecosystem?

Answer this question… Make a second terrarium that has no plants but is otherwise identical.

A student made a model of an ecosystem inside a sealed plastic bottle. She placed soil rocks water plants and animals inside the bottle. How is the model different from a natural ecosystem?

Answer this question… The model lacks diversity.

What model show the transfer of energy in an ecosystem?

Food web shows transfer of energy. It is present in ecosystem.

What is the new trophic model?

Well the trophic model is like the pyramid (Food Chain).But the difference is that trophic model's change every time you go to a different ecosystem.(Ecosystem Definition - Ecosystems have a wine shaped trophic model and Near - Pristine Ecosystems have a upside down wine shaped trophic model. Human affected ecosystems have a triangle trophic model.

What are the objectives in making a model of an ecosystem?

By making a model of an ecosystem, one can better improve their knowledge and understanding of how different factors affect eachother and the relationship between living and nonliving things.

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What is Used to represent things that happen to slowly or quickly to observe directly?


what is a conceptual model that represents the flow of energy through an ecosystem?

food web.

When the interrelated food chains in an ecosystem are represented together the model is?

Food web

What model shows how energy is lost as it flows through an ecosystem?

The water cycle!

What are scientific benefits of building a model?

the benefits of a scientific model is that you can observe and go in depth with data. they also help you show ideas

Do ecologist use tools such as binoculars and microscopes to model changes in the environment?

it is observe