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G1 is the first phase of the cell cycle. The purpose of this phase is to prepare the cell for DNA synthesis.

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Q: Which phase of the cells cycle occurs first?
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When do Cells divide in a mitotic fashion?

During the Cell Cycle phase known as M(Mitosis)-phase. This occurs directly between S(Synthesis)-phase and G(Growth)-phase.

What phase of the cell cycle does mitosis start?

Mitosis is a phase of the cell cycle. It occurs after the G2 phase.

What does G2 refer to?

G2 refers to the second gap phase in a cells life-cycle, it occurs just after the s phase but before the cell begins to divide.

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The phase of the cell cycle that the type of brain cells are in is Metaphase.

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The parent cells no longer exist.

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The phase of the cell cycle that the type of brain cells are in is Metaphase.

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the S phase

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Chromosomes are replicated during DNA replication, which occurs during interphase.

When during a cell cycle does Replication occur?

The stage of the cell cycle, replication occurs is meosis The stage of the cell cycle, replication occurs is meosis The stage of the cell cycle, replication occurs is meosis The stage of the cell cycle, replication occurs is meosisDNA replication occurs during the S phase of interphase.

Mutation in DNA often occurs during replication. during which phase of the cell cycle do such mutations occur?

The semiconservative replication of DNA occurs in the S phase or interphase of cell cycle. Mutation too occurs during this phase, whereas growth takes place in G phase.

Is telophase the stage of the cell cycle when DNA replication occurs?

No, the stage of the cell cycle when DNA replication occurs is not called telophase. DNA replication occurs in the S (Synthesis) phase of the cell cycle. Telophase is the last stage of mitosis or meiosis, when the nuclear envelopes re-form (it occurs at the same time as cytokinesis - which separates the cells).

What phase of the cells cycle are the type of cells in question 12?
