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Q: Which pulse you located behind the medial malleolus?
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Where are the pulses of the foot?

As a very distal location, there are not many palpable pulses in foot. Thou the posterior fibular artery (which passes in the medial posterior part of your anckle) might be felt in cases of high heartbeat frequency

What is the normal strength of posterior tibial pulse?

Posterior tibial pulse is a pulse that can be felt on the inside (big toe side) of your ankle. It is just below and behind the medial malleolus (that big bony part that sticks out on the inside part of your ankle). Usually felt by a doctor to check how well your peripheral circulation is working.

Where is the popliteal pulse located?

The popliteal pulse is located behind the knee.

What is a popliteal pulse?

Place your index finger at the inferior, posterior edge of the medial ankle. Place your middle and ring finger in a line between this point and the heel of the foot.

What is temporal pulse?

Temporal pulse or temporal artery is the artery located directly behind the ear. It is the major artery of the cranium.

Where is the brachial pulse on the body?

The brachial pulse is found on the medial aspect of the antecubital fossa. To put it simply in the inner aspect of the front of the elbow.

What pulse is felt behind the knee?

The popliteal pulse is felt behind the knee.

Where is the wiper motor pulse board located on a 2003 Chevy silverado?

Behind the plastic cover on the wiper motor.

What are the pulse?

The pulse can be felt in several locations on the body.The radial pulse point is on the thumb side of the inner surface of the wrist.The brachial artery pulse point is on the inner medial surface of the elbow, at the antecubital space (crease of elbow).The carotid pulse felt in the carotid artery of the neck when pressure is applied.The femoral point, located midway in the groin.The Dorsalis Pedis on the instep of the foot and the Popliteal at the back of the knee.

What are the pulse point?

The pulse can be felt in several locations on the body.The radial pulse point is on the thumb side of the inner surface of the wrist.The brachial artery pulse point is on the inner medial surface of the elbow, at the antecubital space (crease of elbow).The carotid pulse felt in the carotid artery of the neck when pressure is applied.The femoral point, located midway in the groin.The Dorsalis Pedis on the instep of the foot and the Popliteal at the back of the knee.

What is the artery palpated on the dorsum of the foot?

In the human, the dorsalis pedis artery is the blood vessel carrying oxygen to the dorsal or upper surface of the foot. To feel or palpate the dorsalis pedis pulse, place the fingers mid foot where the ankle meets the foot. Dorsiflexion (toes up - not pointed down) increases the chances of feeling this pulse.

Why do your feet pulse with your heart?

You have several pulse points in your body, you are probably aware of the carotid pulse in your neck and the radial pulse in your wrist. The feet also have pulse points. there are 2; the dorsalis pedis, essentially on the top of your foot as it turns into your leg, and the medial malleor, on the inside part of your ankle.