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The best lipid solvents are Hexane, Ethyl Alcohol and Methyl Alcohol. This is because lipids are nonpolar and hydrophobic. Hexane has the highest hydrophobicity of any solvent and is thus the best at dissolving hydrophobic molecules.

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Q: Which solvent has the greatest lipid solubility Why do you think this?
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What is the solvent that provides the environment for all biological reactions?

i think water

What are the difference between simple lipid and compound lipid?

Simple lipids- These are esters of fatty acids with alcohol. Example- Acylglycerols,waxes,etcCompound lipids- These are esters of fatty acids with alcohol, but they also contain other groups. Example- phospholipids,glycolipids,etc.

What is the process that forces molecules through membranes?

I don't think that question has one answer, considering how vast the field molecular science is and there are many things to consider, but I think what your looking for is "osmosis". The process in which a solvent (generally water) moves through a mostly permeable membrane (permeable to the solvent not to the solute) from a high solute concentration to a low solute concentration without energy inputs of any kind separating two solutions of different concentrates. hope this helps.

What the major lipids of plasma membranes?

The plasma membrane is formed primarily of a phosphor lipid bi-layer which can be saturated or unsaturated depending on the most profound fat ingested by the body. Composed of glycerol, phosphorus, and H2O (i think). Phosphor Lipids are commonly the only lipid found in the plasma membrane, however there are active protein channels and also passive channels activated by pressure formed by potassium inside the cell and sodium outside.

What do you conclude about the solubility of lipids in polar solvents such as water?

Lipids are non-polar molecules that DO NOT usually dissolve in water but DO usually dissolve in organic solvents. Lipids are fat molecule and think about adding eg oil (fat) to water. They don't mix. You always need an emulsifier (eg soap)

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What do you mean by solubility of VOCs?

Solubility is the aptitude of a chemical substance to be soluble (to form a homogeneous solution) in a given solvent. I suppose that you think to volatile organic compounds.

What does good solubility mean?

Solubility is when a soluble can dissolve in a solvent. Soluble=what is dissolved Solvent=what dissolves the solute. These are the parts of a solution. Think of sugar and water. pour the sugar into the water. After some time the sugar will have seemed to disappear. It hasn't but it did dissolve. That means it has good solubility. Now think of a piece of plastic in water. No matter how long the plastic stays in the water, it will not dissolve.

When a solvent is holding the maximum amount of solute for that given temperature?

A saturated solution

When stating the solubility of a substance why must one always give the temperature?

Think of iced tea and hot tea as an example. If sugar is added it dissolves faster in the hot tea. The hotter the solvent, the easier it is for the solute to dissolve. Solubility depends on temperature and hence when stating solubility of a substance, the temperature must always be stated for completeness.

The more-abundant substance in a solution?

in any solution the substanse with the greatest quanity is the

How does saturation affect solubility?

Temperature affects the saturation point (:

What is solubility method?

You think probable to identification of a substance depending on its solubility.

How do you increase solubility?

1) Strong solute-solvent greater solubility while weak solute-solvent attractions equate to lesser solubility 2) Temperature (for gaz high temperature decrease solubility) 3) Pressure for solubility gaz in liquid 4) Polarity of solvent: Like dissolves like

What is the solute of sweet tea?

Sugar or water is the Solvent in Sweet Tea. The solvent is the substance that exists in the greatest quantity of a solution, so I think it's definitely sugar or water not sure though.

What is the solubility of ammonium in water?

I suppose that you think to ammonia, not ammonium; the solubility of ammonia at 25 0C is 31 %.

Which type of macromolecule do you think sebum is?


What type of macromolecules are fats?

I think it is lipid