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Q: Which specimen were cells first identified?
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What Cells were first identified as Robert Hooke observed .?


What are rows and columns and how are they identified?

Rows are horizontal cells identified by a number. Columns are vertical cells identified by a letter.

Cells were first identified as Robert Hooke observed .?

The cell was first discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665, which can be found to be The cells in animal tissues were observed after plants.

Who was the scientist who identified cells?

Robert Hooke was the first scientist to identify the cells in cork in 1665. He named them celluae that means small rooms. He printed about them in the book Micrographia. He studied them through his own made primitive telescope. V.Leewenhoek was the first scientist to identify the living cells. Robert Hook identified dead cells.

How do cells of the onion specimen appear under the microscope?

The cells of the onion appeared to be crooked.

What kind of cells constitute the xylem of you specimen?

trachieds and vessels

Can you distinguish a procaryote and eucaryote in stained specimen?

In stained specimen, the eukaryote cells are larger than the prokaryote cells. In addition to that, eukaryote is enclosed in a membrane bound nucleus whereas the prokaryote have membrane enclosed nucleus.

What makes a image larger in cells?

its because of the lens and objectives that magnifies the specimen

How are cells identified?

Cells are the intersection of a row and column. They usually have grid lines around them.

What was this scientist working with when he identified cells?

Robert Hooke

What is the obesity gene that is expressed in fat cells and codes for a hormone-like protein that researchers have identified known as?

The obesity gene that researchers have identified is known as leptin-E100. This was the first fat cell protein to be discovered.

Why use dye in preparation of cheek smear specimen?

it makes the organelles of the cells stand out