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Electron transport chain makes 32 or 34 ATP's.

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9y ago

Th stage first of aerobic respiration is what creates the most energy. This is learnt in science.

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10y ago

Respiration does not produce O2.It produces CO2 as a gas.

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The Citric Acid Cycle

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Q: Which stage of aerobic respiration creates the most energy?
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In aerobic respiration What are the inputs and outputs of each stage in aerobic respiration?

C6H12O6 +6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy (ATP+Heat) That's prety confusing. I'll make it easier. The outputs for respiration are: Carbon Dioxide, Water, and Energy.

Second stage of aerobic respiration?

The second stage of aerobic respiration is the link reaction. This transition reaction forms acetyl coenzyme A. Glycolysis, the Krebs (or citric acid) cycle, and electron transport chain and chemiosmosis also happen at this stage.

Where do NADH and FADH go to harvest their energy?

They enter the last stage of the Aerobic Respiration called the Electron Transport Chain (ETC).

What are the two main types of respiration?

Aerobic - in the presence of oxygen Anaerobi

Were in the cell does the first stage of respiration take place at?

First step of both aerobic and non aerobic respiration is Glycolisis.It take place in cytoplasm

How many carbons depart during the preparation steps and the cycle proper during the second stage of aerobic respiration?

During the second stage of the aerobic respiration 6 carbons enter and 6 carbons depart.

How many ATP form during the last stage of aerobic respiration?


The majority of ATP is produced in what stage of Aerobic respiration?

In the Electron Transport System

Where does the stage of aerobic respiration involving the Kregs cycle take place?

In the mitochondrial matrix.

Where does the most reactions of aerobic cellular respiration occur?

Glycolysis, the first stage of aerobic respiration, occurs in a cell's cytoplasm. The second stage (acetyl-CoA formation and the Krebs cycle) and the third stage (electron transfer phosphorylation) occur inside a cell's mitochondria. They occur at the inner mitochondrial membrane, which is highly folded. Therefore, most of the reactions of aerobic cellular respiration occur inside the mitochondria of a cell.

Why do you get more ATP out of aerobic respiration?

Cells produce more ATP under aerobic conditions because aerobic means that you need air and ATP needs air to operate so i made sence that cells would make more ATP under aerobic conditions.

Six carbons enter the second stage of aerobic respiration how many depart during the preparation steps and the cycle proper?

Six carbons enter the second stage of aerobic respiration how many depart during the preparation steps and the cycle proper?