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Glycolysis is the break down of glucose in pyruate and release of energy here are the steps in which glycolysis occur

Glucose ------> glucsose-6-phosphate -------> fructose-6-phosphate --------> fructose-1,6-bisphosphate --------> glyceraldhyde-3- phosphate and dihydroxyactone phosphate now dihydroxyacetone phosphate isomerize in glyceraldhyde-3- phosphate ----------- 2 glyceraldhyde -3- phosphate ------------> 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate ---------> 3-phosphoglycerate ----------> 2-phosphoglycerate -----------> phosphoenolpyruate ----------- pyruate

in these reactions during reaction 1 and 3 ATP are changed into ADP and so these are called energy consuming reactions and in 7 and 10th step 2 ATP are released in both steps so forming 4 ATP and in end giving net gain of 2 ATP. So in glycolysis fructose is consumed after isomerisation and phosphorylating in 2nd step, Fructose also enter directly in glycolysis in some species which use fruit sugar fructose which first convert in Dfructose which is then phorphorylated in fructose-6-phosphate

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galactose enters as glucose 6-phosphate.

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