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Q: Which test substances did not test positive for any of the organic compounds?
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Why is it difficult to test the presence of chloride in organic compounds than in inorganic ones like hydrochloric acid?

Are substances that test positive with the Ames test necessarily carciongenic in humans?

The substances that are test positive with Ames test may or may not be carcinogenic for humans. Similarly, some substances that cause cancer in laboratory animals do not give a positive result Ames test. It is not possible to decide the carcinogenicity of any substances only depending on the Ames test.

What is a ferrox test?

A test for the presence of oxygen for organic compounds which contain the element carbon.

Why is it more difficult to test for the presence of chlorine in organic compounds than in inorganic compounds?

because chlorine is not organic compound it is an in organic compound and organic compound dissolves only in organic compound so therefore it is too difficult

Can Hydoxycut give you a false positive tast?

Hydroxycut cannot give you a false positive on a drug test, the same goes for pregnancy tests. Each test tests for particular drugs or compounds that would indicate whether the person taking the test has taken any illegal substances or is in fact pregnant.

Which of the suggested test substances are soluble in water?

Sorry, the question in incomplete there are no suggested test substances. However; polar covalent compounds are very soluble in water.

Which compounds will give you a positive bromine test?

unsaturated hydrocarbons and their derivatives

Is it possible for certain foods to test positive for more than one organic compounds?

Al foods contain several types of organic molecules except for foods that are essentially chemicals. These would include sugar (glucose, maltose, dextrose etc) and pure ethyl alcohol. Even these would contain trace amounts of other organic molecules as contaminants.

Is there any substance that would cause a false positive on a field test nik that police use to test for drugs?

Yes, there are substances that can cause a false positive on a field drug test. Some common substances include over-the-counter medications, certain foods, and other legal substances. These false positives occur because the field tests are not always specific for identifying particular drugs and may react to similar compounds. A confirmatory test in a lab is usually needed to accurately determine the presence of drugs.

What is the positive result for molisch test?

all carbohydrates show positive result to Molisch test. this is because Molisch test is used to distinguish carbohydrates from other organic compound.

Will decane give positive bromine test?

Positive Bromine tests are for unsaturated compounds that have double or triple bonds. Decane has a single bond, so the test will be negative.