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During stages: G1, S, and G2

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Q: Which three phases are individual chromosomes no longer visible?
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During which three phases are individual chromosomes no longer visible?

G1, S, and G2

What phases are chromosomes not visible?

Interphase and Telophase

During what cell can chromosomes be seen clearly?

In the early stages of mitosis or meiosis (cell division), the chromatin strands become more and more condensed. They cease to function as accessible genetic material (transcription stops) and become a compact transportable form. This compact form makes the individual chromosomes visible, and they form the classic four arm structure, a pair of sister chromatids attached to each other at the centromere. The shorter arms are called p arms (from the French petit, small) and the longer arms are called q arms (q follows p in the Latin alphabet). This is the only natural context in which individual chromosomes are visible with an optical microscope.

Are chromosomes always visible in a cell?

they are visable because of the chromatin ciols up,shortens,and thickens

What are The phases of mitosis in which chromosomes line up at the equator is?


What is a moonless period called?

If you are referring to lunar phases, there are two phases in which the moon is not visible to the earth. In the New Moon and Dark Moon lunar phases, the moon is not visible to those on earth. See related links for more information.

What is true about homogeneous mixtures?

In a homogeneous mixture phases are not visible.

What are the 5 most visible planets and which ones can appear in phases similar to lunar phases and which ones can not?

-- The six planets visible to the unaided eye are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. -- The Earth displays no phases at all. -- All of the remaining five can display gibbous and nearly 'quarter' phases. -- Only Mercury and Venus can display crescent phases.

What happens during g2 phases?

Chromosomes are checked for errors.In the G2 phase, growth and preparation for cell division occurs.

What are the four phrases of the lunar cycle?

The four main phases of the lunar cycle are the New Moon (which is not visible except during an eclipse), First Quarter (waxing half moon), Full Moon (all of which is visible) and Third Quarter (waning half moon). The moon phases in between the four main phases are the crescent and gibbous phases.

What term is used to describe the decrease in the visible portion of the moon?

waning phases

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