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The answer is Xylem

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Q: Which tissue acts as a filter on the water absorbed by root hairs?
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What are root hairs?

Pretty self explanatory, root hairs are hairs on roots. Root hairs are basically tiny projections on the root which can grow through the spaces between soil particles, and they add a great amount of surface area to the roots. result: more water intake.

Difference between monocotyledon and dicotyledon in stem?

1. at monocot stem. -stem hairs are absent. -sclerenchyma hypodermis. -internal tissue is not differentiated into different concentric layer but there is a common mass called ground tissue. -vascular bundles is found scattered in ground tissue. -presence of water cavity. 2. at dicot stem -stem hairs are present. -collenchyma hypodermis. -internal tissue is differentiated into hypodermis, cortex, endodermis, pericycle, medullary ray and pith. -vascular bundle is found between preicycle and pith. -water cavity is absent.

Why do leaves have cuticle but root hairs do not?

The function of root hairs is to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. If the root hairs have a cuticle covering, it will prevent the free absorption of water and nutrients from the soil.

What tissue of a plant stores sugar and starches?

potato, wheat for starch and fruit for sugars

How are minerals absorbed and transported by plants?

Water and minerals are transported within the plant by the Xylem vessels (mainly in an upward direction); these are part of the vascular system which also includes Phloem vessels. Phloem transports the products of photosynthesis within the plant (mainly in a downward direction)

Related questions

How does water from root hairs transfer to the xylem tissue?

The Endodermis, the cells filter solutes from the water and allow passage through the root hairs onward to the vascular tissue

Where is water absorbed in plants?

water is absorbed through the roots of the plants. they need it to process theyre own food

What is tissue that carries water and nutrients from the root hairs to the leaves?


What tissue that plants use to take water from soil?

Root hairs and or symbiotic mycorrhiza.

What tissue is responsible for water absorption in roots?

epithelial tissue includes protection, secretion, absorption, and filtration

What extends from the outer tissue part of the root and it absorb water and nutrients?

prop root root hairs A+

What do filter feeders in the ocean eat?

Filter feeders are called filter feeders so they suck in water and eat the tiny plankton in the oceanwith there tiny filter hairs.

Why spongy tissue is so called?

these are so called because they absorb water as it is absorbed in a sponge

How do root hairs aid in the function of roots?

They increase the surface area of the roots, allowing more water to be gathered and absorbed by the plant.

How do roots hairs help the function of roots?

They increase the surface area of the roots, allowing more water to be gathered and absorbed by the plant.

Does the hump of the camels help them to survive when there is no water?

Yes - the camel's hump stores water in the form of fatty tissue. This tissue is re-absorbed by the animal in times of extreme drought.

What tissues are involved as water moves to the xylem from the time it is absorbed by the roots?

There are two tissues that are involved in water absorption from roots to the xylem. Ground tissue and xylem tissue are the tissues that the water has to pass through.