

Which tree not give oxygen

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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All trees give oxygen; it is a result of the trees "inhaling" carbon dioxide. Just like how humans give off carbon dioxide when they exhale, trees also give off carbon dioxide. So all trees give off oxygen to the environment-its a natural result of trees trying to survive.

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Q: Which tree not give oxygen
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Does a tree give oxygen?

A tree takes in carbon dioxide, and returns oxygen to the atmosphere.

Would tree gives out ozone?

No trees give out oxygen. Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen.

Do evergreen tree give off oxygen?

Evergreen trees do give off oxygen. They give off less oxygen than deciduous trees do in the summer, but they do release oxygen all year.

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How much oxygen can a tree give a year?

around 80kg a year for a full grown tree.

How or where does a tree get oxygen to give us?

A tree absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, and, with the input of energy from sunlight, oxidizes many of the oxygen atoms of the absorbed carbon dioxide to elemental oxygen, which is released into the atmosphere. The carbon and some of the oxygen atoms from the absorbed carbon dioxide are incorporated into the structure of the tree as the tree grows.

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they give out oxygen during photosynthesis.

Can you breathe without tree's? you need the oxygen the trees give off to breath. trees are the main producer for oxygen.

What do people use tree for?

Lumber=Jobs Research Grade 6 science. Tree's are used for wood, paper, pencils, etc. Tree's give off oxygen for us to breathe. Without tree's we would not be here since there would be no oxygen

Is tree a plant?

yes.. obviously. It needs oxygen to live, and it gives off carbon dioxide. So yes, a tree is a plant. What describes a plant? look for a tree and reflect Improved:: Yes a tree is a plant,however they do not take in oxygen and give off CO2..Its just the opposite,Trees take in the CO2 (carbon dioxide) and produce O2(oxygen).......

What do you get from tree?

You get oxygen and beauty from tree's and other plants.

Do dead plants give off oxygen?

In short, no. The oxygen they produce is from photosynthesis, which in a dead tree will by definition not be happening. There will be many products produced from its decay, like CO2. The only metabolic process that produces oxygen is photosynthesis which only requires CO2, water and light, none of which will come from a dead tree.