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The question itself is not clear. Two cells that have just divided will have the MOST similar DNA. If we are talking about whole organisms or individuals, then clones would have the most similar DNA, similarly identical twins would have near identical DNA. Siblings have very similar DNA but not identical of course.

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Q: Which two DNA samples are the most similar?
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If two species have similar DNA what hypothesis is supported?

The hypothesis supported is that the two species share a common ancestor and have evolved from a common gene pool. This similarity in DNA suggests that they are closely related evolutionarily.

Can be used to compare the amount of radioactively labeled DNA in two or more samples?

Scintillation counter

How can DNA be used to determine the kinship of two organisms?

Upon comparison of genetic samples the alleles in the DNA can determine kinship of two organisms. Kinship can be determined paternally or maternally in the case of mitrochondrial DNA analysis.

When one dna molecule replicated the result is two dna molecules what is true of the second dna molecule?

DNA actually has 3 forms. A-DNA, B-DNA, and Z-DNA. B-DNA is the kind you are most familiar with and present in most organisms. A-DNA can be found in dehydrated samples while Z-DNA is rare and mostly synthesized in the lab.

Why do police use hair blood or fingerprints for DNA?

Because those personal bodily samples (among others) contain samples of the cell structure call DNA which is unique to every person on earth. The statistical odds of two people having the exact same DNA (EVEN identical twins) is so astronomical as to be insignificant.

What species would the theory of evolution predict that human DNA is most similar to that of?

The two chimpanzee species Pan troglodyte and Pan paniscus.

What can be used to compare the amount of radioactivity labeled DNA in two or more samples?

Scintillation counter

How do I request DNA testing in PA courts if we were married?

Jus take the child to a DNA testing clinic. Only two samples are required. The mother need not know. see links below

Why is forensic DNA analysis an important part of biotechnology?

Biotechnology refers to the use of biological processes for industrial purposes, such as genetic manipulation. Forensic DNA analysis is an important part of biotechnology because it is used to match two DNA samples.

What does it mean if two DNA sample showed an identical pattern and thickness of been produced by Gel electrophoresis?

By the same amount of DNA, fragments of the same size and the same DNA molecules. WRONG The real answer on the people who have multiple choice or e2020 It would be "all the above"

What is DNA and how is the double helix constructed?

DNA is something inside of you. We all have it. It is what makes us up. For example; our spit is DNA. Our cells are DNA. Even our skin is DNA. Everyones DNA is different. But families DNA is the most similar, because you are related, but still never the same. And as for a 'double helix constructed' it is a molecule that makes up two double helex or a spiril. (:

Would two brothers have the simIlar dna?

It is very unlikely that two brothers would have babies with the same DNA. That could only happen if identical twin brothers married identical twin sisters, and even then the mixing of DNA during reproduction makes this an extremely unlikely outcome.