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Long molecular strands because they tend to tangle among themselves

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Q: Which would you expect to be more viscous a polymer made of long molecular strands or one made of short molecular strands?
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Are you perhaps making polymer clay jewelry? If so, then yes, you can insert the eyepins into the clay before baking. However, the pins may pull out easily after baking, so expect to apply glue after the clay has cooled.

Why does heptane have a higher boiling point than methanol?

Heptane has 7 carbon atoms. So it has a greater surface area than methanol. Therefor heptane has a higher boiling point.In general, all else being equal the higher the molecular weight, the higher the boiling point. The molecular weight of methanol is 32, the molecular weight of heptane is 100. So, ignoring everything but that, you'd expect heptane to have a higher boiling point than methanol.A better question might be "why is the boiling point of methanol so much higher than that of ethane, which has a similar molecular weight (30)?" The answer to that is hydrogen bonding.

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Why might plant storage organs (such as fruit or tuber) contain both starch and sugar?

Starch and sugar are essentially the same thing. Starch is a polymer (chain) of single sugar molecules. As the starch is made up or broken down, you would expect to find both in the cells responsible for this action.