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Robert Hooke

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Q: Who was the first scientist to look at living cells?
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Who was the first scientist to look at dead cork cells?

Robert Hook

What scientist was the first to look at cells under the microscope?

Robert hooke

Who was the first scientist to look at cells under a simple microscope?

Robert Hooke.

Why was the first microscope invented?

the microscope was originally invented so that scientist could get a better look at cells

What living thing is made up of no cells?

Every living thing is made up of cells. There is no such thing alive that is not made up of one or more cells. If the object/product etc. has no cells, then the thing is not alive. The cells in a living thing is what makes it alive and make it to continue living. There are many things that confuse people with whether the object is alive or not. If not sure, look through a microscope on the highest zoom lens and there is your answer or ask a local scientist.

Why would it be better to look at living cells than an dead cell?

It would be better to look at living cells instead of dead cells, because living cells give you information about what you're researching, knowing you can see their movements and living organelles, which tell you absolutely nothing when they're dead.

When-classifying living things what do scientist look at?

Their change in growth and structure

When does a scientist use a light microscope?

to look at cells and germs and smaller creatures.

How long have scientist use microscopes to look at cells?

just over 1200 years :)

Who was the first scientist to see the moon and how?

I'd have to say the first scientist who saw the moon was the first one to look up in the sky...

How does the microscope aid the scientist?

The microscope aids the scientist by making it possible for them to see cells, get a closer look at small objects, and examining specimens

What famous scientist contributed to the abundant discoveries through using a simple microscope?

Robert Hooke was the first man to look at cells through his very simple microscope. He observed dead cork cells and described them as cells in a monastary. He called the tiny empty chambers in the cork, cells.