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Amphibians are very sensitive to environmental pollution because they live both in and out of water. This means that if only land or water is polluted they can become infected by the pollution.

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15y ago

Since amphibians live both in and out of water, pollutants are a big hazard. In the water, amphibians must be careful of trash (some trash looks like their prey ie: small balloons, shards of glass or plastic etc.) spills of toxins (usually gasoline, oil, and sludge are common) and filthy living conditions. On land, amphibians still have to be careful of trash and spills but there is another hazard. Air pollution. If there is too much dust, smoke, smog, etc. in the air, it will clog the amphibian's skin, preventing it from breathing. Hope this helps!

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Amphibians are very sensitive to changes in their environment because their moist skin can absorb chemicals from pond water?

I would say that is one good answer.

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Amphibians are very sensitive to changes in their environment because their moist skins can absorb chemicals from pond water?

Since most amphibians are cold blooded they need to keep to a certain level of heat. And a certain level of coolness. So that why they are sensitive to the changes in the enviroment. Improved Answer: Because their skins are delicate, and eggs lack shells, amphibians are especially senstive to their enviroment. - Science Book.

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