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A simple answer is that they have evolved complex relationships to animal pollinators and seed dispersers, whereas gymnosperms rely on wind pollination and seed dispersal, and ferns and the other lower plants need water.

Angiosperms also have vessels in their xylem, which is much better at transporting water quickly. (of course, they have problems of their own)

Also, they have fruits enclosing seeds

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9y ago
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9y ago

A simple answer is that they have evolved complex relationships to animal pollinators and seed dispersers, whereas gymnosperms rely on wind pollination and seed dispersal, and ferns and the other lower plants need water.

Angiosperms also have vessels in their xylem, which is much better at transporting water quickly. (of course, they have problems of their own).

Also, they have fruits enclosing seeds.

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14y ago

Angiosperms are extremely prolific in nature and are great primary successors.

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12y ago

Angiosperms ( flowering plants) are considered to be the most successful because they are the most abundant and have developed a more advanced form of reproduction.

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11y ago

angeosperm is also gives as xylum reticulum

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10y ago

Because these produce seeds inside fruits for better dispersal of seeds. These seeds overcome hostile environmental conditions during their resting periods..

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11y ago

Because these can inhabit variety of soil conditions and environment and their seed dispersal is supported by fruits.

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