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They produce energy for the cell to do processes. Depending on the cell type, these processes vary, but most cells use energy for bacteria defense.

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Because mitochondria produce most of the cell's energy

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Q: Why are mitochondria called the powers houses of cell?
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Why are mitochondria called the power houses of a cell?


Why is Mighty Mitochondria the nickname of mitochondria?

They are called power houses. They produce energy in cell

What is the site of most ATP production also called the power-houses of a cell?

In simple terms, the mitochondria are the site of energy production in the cell.

What is the mitochondria of a play?

Mitochondrion is a cell organelle where two phases of cellular respiration takes place and releases energy. Hence, the mitochondria are called power houses of the cell.

When is energy stored in a cell?

All the time by mitochondria and other parts of the cell. Mitochondria are like the power houses of a cell

What are the power houses in a cell?

The mitochondria are the power houses of a cell, for they create energy for the cell to use in the form of ATP.

Power house of the cell?

The mitochondria - this is where ATP is created during respiration, and ATP 'powers' the cell.

What do mitochondria in cells produce?

They produce energy for cell. They are called power houses

What is the cell's power plant?

It is an organelle called the mitochondria

What is the power plant that gives the cell energy called?

It is an organelle called the mitochondria

These organelles are likened to a factory generator that produce energy to keep the cell going?

The mitochondria are the organelles that produce the energy for the cell and body. They are often called the power houses of the cell because of their function.

What organelle is called the power house of the cell and why?

1. Mitochondria and because they produce energy for the cell by convertenergy in food molecules.