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Q: Why are ratios so important in understanding how dominant and recessive traits are inherited?
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Is Glaucoma dominant or recessive?

glaucoma is inherited in an autosomal dominantpattern.which is dominant.

When does a recessive trait dominant over a dominant trait?

When two recessive genes are inherited, and the portion of recessive inheritance is 51% or greater in favor of the recessive trait.

Characteristic that is inherited that can be either dominant or recessive?


How does a person inherit hemophilia and is it dominant or recessive?

It is a sex-linked recessive trait inherited from the mother.

Is kleinfelters syndrome recessive?

Kleinfelters is a chromosomal "trisomy" of the sex chromosomes. It is not inherited in a recessive or dominant manner.

Is Williams syndrome dominant or recessive?

it is rarely inherited, and is often spontaneous. but when inherited, it is considered autosomal dominant condition and is usually passed down from someone with the condition to all of their offspring

What are some similarities between dominant and recessive traits?

Similarty: They both come from inherited parents.

Is angelman recessive or dominat?

There are several causes of Anglemann syndrome. None of them are inherited as a dominant recessive or co-dominant characteristics. The most common cause (68% of cases) is a deletion of the q12 region of the maternally derived chromosome 15.

What gene is always expressed?

Dominant genes will always be expressed however recessive genes would need to be inherited from both parents

Describes a trait or an allele that is expressed only when two of the alleles for the saame characteristic are inherited?

I believe the answer is dominant. Please don't be rude if this isn't the correct answer.

When a trait has more than two alleles is that trait inherited?

If one parent has a dominant trait and and another parent has a recessive trait, then the recessive trait gets hidden while the dominant trait gets shown.

What can be dominant or recessive?

Alleles can be dominant or recessive